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কেনো আপনার আমাকে দরকার?

আপনার অর্থনৈতিক উন্নতি, অর্থকে সঠিকভাবে সঞ্চয় এবং বিনিয়োগ করার সময় নির্ধারণের জন্য। For your financial prosperities, appropriate savings and investment.আপনার বিবাহিত জীবন কখন শুরু করা উচিত এবং তা কি পারিবারিকভাবে হবে নাকি প্রেম ঘটিত হতে পারে, তা সম্বন্ধে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহনের জন্য। When you need to get marry and which one you will choose – arrange or affair?চাকরি অথবা ব্যবসা; কোনটি আপনার জন্য সর্বোত্তম সে বিষয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে। Government / Non govt Service or which type of business – is best for you?দেশ বা বিদেশের কোথায় রয়েছে আপনার সফলতার অধিক সম্ভাবনা সে বিষয়ে পরামর্শ পেতে। Motherland or foreign; which one is your ultimate destination? আপনার সন্তানের পড়াশোনার ক্যারিয়ার, উচ্চশিক্ষা কিভাবে এগোলে সর্বোত্তম হবে, সে বিষয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে। To take the right decision about your children's career, higher education and marriage.কি ধরনের রোগ আপনার শরীরে বাসা বাঁধতে পারে, বা জীবনে চলার পথে কতটা সতর্কতা অবলম্বন করতে হবে, তা জানতে। To get a fair idea about which disease is responsible for your bad health and which type of precautions you should follow.

  • বি:দ্র: আমি স্রষ্টা নয় এবং আমি জীবনে ঘটতে থাকা সকল বিষয় নিয়ে পূর্ণরূপে অবগতও নই। আমি সৃষ্টিকর্তার একজন নগণ্য সেবক মাত্র এবং সেই পরম করুনাময় এর কৃপায় আমি এই জ্যোতিষ-মহাসমুদ্র জ্ঞানের বিন্দুমাত্র শিখতে পেরেছি এবং চেষ্টা করবো এই জ্ঞানটুকু নিখুঁতভাবে প্রয়োগ করে আপনার জীবনকে সাফল্যমণ্ডিত করে তুলতে।  
  • The Almighty is omnipotent. He is the only prognosticator. Only he knows everything. I am a devotee of God. And by the grace of my merciful God I have learned a little bit from the ocean of astrology. I will try my heart and soul to utilise my knowledge preciously in your life and give you an accurate guideline so that you could make your life happier and healthier.

My Services

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Smt. Kiron Chowdhury is a modern & updated astrologer. In a very short time she is becoming popular as a modern medical astrologer in the country and abroad. Her ability to diagnose diseases by applying…

Dr. Debjyoti Das

Dr. Debjyoti Das

Vedic Astrologist & Numerologist [MBBS,BCS,D-CARD,FCPS(CARDIOLOGY)]
MS. Sangjukta Das

MS. Sangjukta Das


What My Clients Say

“Well, being a non- believer in palmistry and astrology I was quite disgusted when my mother dragged me to Mr. Avoy. No matter how much I tried to convince her that I’ll definitely land up with a job within the next year, she was desperate to make me meet him. His approach in dealing with me made me wonder ‘maybe all astrologers are not the same’. He patiently listened to all my cribbings about not being able to land up with a job inspite of rigorous efforts for the last two years. He gave me certain remedies and quite unwillingly I practiced them for 3 months. Believe me! I cracked one of the most difficult interviews of British govt. public health service. I have no shame in accepting that major parts of my success are definitely because of him. I realised all astrologers are not just money-sucking machines, and definitely not Mr.Avoy. He has just changed the meaning of my life totally. Thank you from the core of my heart, Mr.Avoy.”

Dr.Sourav Das


“My very first meeting with Mr.Avoy is in my chamber when he visited me regarding his health issues. After a warm conversation, I just came to known that he is a professional Astrologer. After kowing about him I just wanted to test him whether he is right or not as I don’t believe in Astrology. I told him to predict me, about my childhood, my professional as well as my personal life. And with a great surprise he described the whole summary of my past events within 15 minutes. I was totally nonplaussed .How he could describe me so accurately? I was thanking to my almighty silently on his beautiful creation! My dearest author is Sir Humaiun Ahmed and for a few minutes I considered Mr.Avoy as like as Himu who can give you the optimism of your living. Wish him a best luck.”


MBBS (DMC), MSc (Canada), FCPS (Surgery), FRCS (Glasgow, UK)

“I have clearly remembered that day when I first met Mr.Avoy. I was the member of Chittagong club. It was our annual feast and Mr.Avoy was invited at that feast by our club president. I have heard about Mr.Avoy from our president and that was my first meeting with him. Being curious, I wanted to know about my future prediction. And so why I personally had his permission and took him into my cabin for some time. He advised me about my business, my profit and loss, both my conjugal life and future of my children. The most surprised thing was about my son. He warned me about my son’s bike accident but I did not heed attention in this matter. After returning home, I made myself realize that he is just a poor astrologer. I have forgotten this incident completely. But After 6 months later, the saddest incident just happened with me and I lost my son. I had to bear this unbearable pain. I have recalled that moment when I just made travesty on Mr.Avoy. I felt guilty. He is definitely a true human being.”


Managing Director, Confidence Group

“I am forty five years old, and used to own a successful import-export business. But, when I passed through the Saturn transit, my life turned upside down. Nothing I touched seemed to work. I lost of lot of orders through no fault of mine, and many competitors emerged in my line of business. Banks also started calling on their loans, and it became very difficult to pay the monthly loan repayment instalments. My wife and I then consulted Mr.Avoy. He gave us simple but excellent advice which we found easy to follow. As a result, even though I am still undergoing Saturn transit through my sign, my troubles have gone down very much. I am able to pay my bills and am able to sustain my debts as well.”

Prabir Saha

Managing Director, Probriddhi Apparels Ltd.

“We got married four years ago, and we longed to have a child. My husband and I consulted various doctors, and everyone assured us that both of us were perfectly normal, and that I will be able to conceive soon. However, when even my younger cousins had all raised families of their own, we became desperate. This was the cause of innumerable fights between us and also our parents and other family members. My uncle introduced us to Mr.Avoy. He has advised us to say ‘Mohishasurmordini Mantra’ and practise meditation regularly. And Like a miracle, I conceived with a year and are now the proud parent of a healthy baby boy. We will like to thank you a lot Mr Avoy.”

Chandrika das

B.A (Hons), MA (English) Teacher,Bangladesh Elementary School.

“Last year I was in relationship with my boyfriend but we broke up due to lack of communication and a lot of understanding. Afterwards I went through a really depressing phase and it was really disheartening to know things were not the same. I wanted my boyfriend back in my life, so I decided to consult an online Astrologer. After searching a lot of time, I got to know about Mr.Avoy and he is the reason I got back with my partner. Our communication and understanding with each other is so good now. Avoy dada has helped me to reunite with my lover and we are happily married and we live together now. All thanks to him for reuniting both of us and I am forever grateful for his astrological help and solutions to solve the relationship problems which I had last year.”

Sundra Eva


“I have two children. They grew up quite independently, and neither I nor my wife disciplined them too much. As a result, they became headstrong and got into some bad habits. We could not control them and they fared very badly in their studies. I was looking online for an astrologer online. Fortunately, I heard about Mr. Avoy from one of my close friends. After meeting Avoy, we have got a mesmerizing feeling. Under the guidance of him, we started doing the prescribed prayers at home. Slowly the children started participating in the prayers, building their culture and morals. Both of them started giving attention to their studies, and now both of them have joined good engineering colleges.”

Eng. Sanjeeb Kumar Lodh

B.Sc. (EEE), CUET. MS (University of Columbia) Columbia, US States.

“When my father had an accident, he went into a coma. He was in coma for over four months, and we got very worried. We had put him in the best hospital, but no treatment was working for him. One of the nurses in the hospital suggested that we should meet Mr.Avoy. Dada studied the horoscope of my parents and suggested that we visit a certain temple on Tuesday to offer a prayer. We went there for four Tuesdays, and miraculously, my father regained consciousness. He is still not out of bed, but the doctors say he will fully recover in a few months’ time. This was a miraculous cure!”

Md. Asif akbar

4th year student, Department of chemistry, University of chittagong.

“ When we decided to buy a new house, it was a big decision. I found Mr. Avoy with the help of my brother-in-law. He advised us that because of my natal chart, any decision I take now would be fated to fail and to wait for two more years instead. I did as he advised, and after two years, bought another house. Last month, I heard that the City Corporation found that many building permissions had not been taken for the first house, and that they were going to file a case against the builders. I am so grateful to him.”

Biswajit Dutta

Former officer, Bangladesh Bank. Chattagram.

“Mr Avoy is the most reliable astrologer in the world. I live in USA, and I consider myself really lucky that I had an opportunity to consult with him. I took phone consultation with him, as I am a heart patient, he advised me to wear a lucky gemstone. And soon I got such good results that nobody could imagine. I have recommended many of my friends living in USA to consult with Mr. Avoy as he suggests very simple meditations and Remedies to solve the problems.”

Sukumar Mazumder

Merchandiser, Ohio, US State.

“ My son completed his graduation and was looking out for a job for a long time. Unfortunately, he did not meet with success anywhere. He tried for nearly 3 years, and all of us got very frustrated and worried. We then consulted with Mr. Avoy. He advised my son to stop looking for a job. He advised him to be ready for pursuing higher studies in US. And also told him very specifically in what city and what date he should start. It is now two years since he has moved to Texas, US. He is really an admirable advisor.”

Prodip kumar Lodh

Officer, Bangladesh Power Development Board.

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About Me

I am Avoy Amrito Das; A professional Astrologer and is practising astrology over 10 years. I developed my interest from very young age and after a painstaking spiritual practise and leading a monk life, I have started my journey as a Astrologer.

Meeting place

Kathmandu: Shalimar Jewellers, Nepal.
Kolkata: P.C. Chandra Jewellers, India.
*Gulshan Club limited, Gulshan-2, Bangladesh.
*Flat 3/B, House -1/A, Road-6, Sec-3, Uttara, Bangladesh.
*Seniors Club Limited, Jamalkhan, Bangladesh.
*Sky Restaurant, Kajir Dewri, Bangladesh.


Bangladesh: +88 01740509429 ( whatsapp),
+88 01820886117
India : +91 8584034328
Nepal : +97 798510337818


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